Points On How to deal with your Nightmares!

Nightmares are seldom present with our invocation but they still visit our peaceful dreams every once in a while.

It is not just as easy to ignore the fact that when we are jerked up with a nightmare, we always tend to be fragile and weak, for some, it might be casual in a general manner, for some more, they will be haunting in series every other night!

SO here are some tips that might help you to overcome the shivering fear:

Let’s take you through what you go through.

Imagine yourself deep asleep in your cozy bed with soft cushions and there is a calm peaceful countenance that fixes on your pretty face.

You are slowly getting into a deep slumber after a hard, busy day or even after a lazy one too. But somewhere along the mid-night, when every other creature on the world fades away into the silent envelope of the dark, you are running, afraid, falling, a dream that stresses you out.

You jerk up, you are sweating profusely, unable to breathe , unable to connect to your surroundings.

Trust me, even a brave heart suffers under these attacks.Dreams basically occur during your rapid eye motion that helps your brains to run a movie in your head! Some are pretty, heart-warming and few more hell!

nightmare and to-do

Things You Must Do:

1.Switch ON the light

Yes that is what you must do, switch that light on, connect to your surroundings, calm yourself convincing of it being just a dream.

The light speaks the truth, shows you the deepest corners and assures you of your safety, your brain needs to feel secure around this time

2.Go for the water

Always make sure that you keep a glass of water by your bed-side before going to bed, it helps you to quench the sudden thirst and your parched throat gets a treatment of cool water that calms your mind.

The other amazing thing that water does is to improvise your blood circulation to your brain cells, the nervous system gets activated and differentiates well between the dream and the reality and assures of the safe place

3.Switch on the FAN

Remember, you’ll still be sweating, hence give the fan some work , if it is switched on then increase the speed of the motor!

With this, the breeze from the fan enters the spaces amidst your sweaty head and soothes the temperature rise that you experienced.

4.Divert your attention to belief and trust

At times like these Belief and trust works wonders, if you believe in god ,then it’s time to put your entire trust in him and chant a few mantras or recite a few slokas too. I do it at times!

For other people, to divert from the nightmare, take out a good book from the shelf, something that you have always wanted to read, also make sure that the book should not put you under stress, so no assignments and exam preparation! Just a few proverbs or motivating books would do.

Then for music lovers

Not the usual music that tears your eardrum but a music that is melodious and has a lullaby effect would help you out.

Survive on positive thoughts

Though you are forced awake from sleep due to a bad dream, you should always concentrate on positive thoughts; remember your thoughts are powerful enough to become real.

“Everything exists twice, once in your thoughts and once in reality”

Your thoughts and feelings are a force that exists in nature, make sure that you use them to create a beautiful future, now make the flow of your thoughts into a beautiful dream; you are almost about to dozz off now.

Go to sleep!

For Recurring nightmares

These are the people with amazing creative power, yes it is not a wretched dream but hides in itself your potential that is buried because of your untimely unnecessary stress.

So figure out: If your dreams are recurring in a cycle, then remember the details and try to connect it with your reality, are you worried about certain event, by certain person? Then unless you figure it out and solve, you tend to suffer.

If this is not working and nightmares are more common that you never get to dozz of into a peaceful sleep, then it’s time for the psychiatrist to intervene.

And it’s not a bad thing to visit a psychiatrist, we all have issues and the sooner it gets treated, the sooner we can live a better life, so ignore not the point in any time of your life!

It’s no big deal

Having nightmares is no big deal, everybody gets it and you get it too, so chill and follow the steps above, if you want add in a stroll and a shower ,you are more than welcome…Nobody will be able to stop you from getting back to that deep slumber that very same night.

Good night sweet Dreams and don’t let the bed-bugs bite:)

photo credit: 春眠女児 via photopin (license)

‘D’reams…#AtoZ Challenge

Dreams are as mysterious as life itself, on the context that it is over-whelming real life experience. People can dream about flying and falling, movies and monsters , horrors and hell and still go completely unaware about the granulating details of the most important dream. Some other dreams stay and repeat, sometimes filling you with a surge of energy and sometimes depriving you of the little possible peace in you.

Are the dreams that important to life? Wouldn’t our lives be better when our mind could actually slip into a semi-coma state with nothing but satisfaction of the long rest after a hectic play of emotions and physical strains that you have to endure.

Is it for the happy dreams that make us smile or is it for the frightening ones that warns us of an impending danger else is it for the pattern that you draw to know yourself. Still in a haze?

Do you know why we still dream?

Let me take you through figments of people and their lives!d2

A young boy, no more than four sits across the street in ragged clothes and an emaciated body but he smiles for he dreams.

A thirty year old lady, after having lost her hairs due to cancer but before that she had a beautiful family, a loving husband but all that she is left with is an estranged relationship and a rough fate yet smiles, for she dreams.

A sixty year old man, completely weak from all the diseases known to mankind, but his heart aches for a treatment from his family. He is alone on a torn sheet, succumbed to death in an Old-age Home yet now and then the nurse finds him smile in his sleep for he dreams too.

With all the problems and conundrums we endure through the day, the night comes as a knight with hopes, some gives us strength, some others warnings and something more the very source of energy to carry on.

The young boy smiles for he dreams of better living that he is adamant to achieve. He wants to live for a better tomorrow.

The lady with the cancer smiles for she just has heard of people getting cured of cancer, a hope to live and make a living of her own. With no strings attached. She wants to live for a better tomorrow.

The old man smiles for he dreams of the people around him as a family and he has realized that home is not a physical entity but  a place where he feels that he belongs there and the old-age home has given him a family of friends to share his feelings. He wants live for a better tomorrow.

And that is why we dream, for that single ray of hope that bestows from the darkest tunnel convincing of the brighter sun at the end of it.

We dream because we believe that tomorrow can be better.

We dream because we know what it is like to not have any dreams and we would better be dead rather not having to dream.

We dream to realize what we are and what we are supposed to do.

We dream to live in a bubble and smile about it.

We dream to forget it more often for they are not that necessary.

We dream to live another life in hundred different forms. 

We dream to know the answers to many forbidden questions.

We dream because that is a way for a new perception to be born.

We dream for it to come true.

We Dream to Live Again.


Happy Dreams:)


#poem 1- A dreamy world!!

This is a new venture where I’ll be writing about 25 poems or verses for each day ,for the next 25 days.Hold my hand support me:)#1

Dreams!do you ever dream a dream,

The dream that I dream,

If your ever dream that dream,

Then travel into my dream to dream;

With me,In a single dream

Dream the dream of laughs,

Laughs that I laugh with you.

Dream the dream of hopes,

Hopes that I hope with you.

Tell me ?can you dream..

The dreams that I dream,

Sailing in the ship of sleep,dreamers we are,

In the kingdom of night;

Sailing in the sleep that you put me into,

So that I can dream…

The dream you dream. 

   Brunda Rajesh